Google AdSense Account Disabled Reasons

In this article, we’ll dive into the Google AdSense Account Disabled Reasons. So, you’ve logged into your AdSense account only to find it disabled. Frustrating, right? Your Google AdSense account being disabled is like the online equivalent of a speeding ticket. You were cruising along, making some sweet revenue, and now you’re abruptly stopped. But why did this happen? Understanding the reasons behind a Google AdSense account being disabled is crucial for avoiding this pitfall and getting back on track. Let’s dive into the reasons why your AdSense account might have been disabled and how to bounce back.

Are You Sure Your AdSense Account Was Disabled?

First things first, let’s confirm your account is actually disabled. Google is pretty good at notifying you via email when they disable your account. So, check your inbox. Look for an email from Google AdSense with a subject line like “Your Google AdSense Account Has Been Disabled.” The email will outline why your account was disabled. Still not sure? Log into your AdSense account. If you see a red banner across the top stating your account has been disabled, then it’s official.

Why Does Google Disable AdSense Accounts?

Google AdSense is all about ensuring a fair and safe experience for advertisers and publishers. They have strict policies to maintain this integrity. When you violate these policies, Google takes action. Sometimes, it’s an honest mistake. Other times, it’s a more serious issue. Either way, knowing the common reasons for account suspension can help you steer clear of trouble.

Google AdSense Account Disabled Reasons

1. Fraudulent Clicks

One of the top reasons for a Google AdSense account being disabled is fraudulent clicks. Fraudulent clicks, or invalid clicks, occur when someone clicks on ads with malicious intent. This could be you, a competitor, or even a bot. Google’s algorithms are super savvy at detecting these. Imagine a user repeatedly clicking on their own ads to increase revenue. It might seem like a good idea, but it’s a big no-no. Google flags this as fraudulent activity and can disable your account in a heartbeat.

2. Fake Traffic

Fake traffic is another major reason why a Google AdSense account gets disabled. This includes traffic from automated sources, like bots, or traffic that’s been purchased to inflate visitor numbers. Let’s say you bought some cheap traffic to boost your site numbers. Sounds harmless, right? Not to Google. They want genuine user engagement. Fake traffic can distort advertiser metrics, leading to poor ad performance. So, when Google detects fake traffic, they don’t hesitate to disable your account.

3. Previously Banned Account

If you’ve had a Google AdSense account disabled in the past, trying to create a new account under the same name or address can land you in hot water again. Google is very strict about previously banned accounts. Trying to get around this rule by creating a new account often results in immediate suspension. It’s like trying to sneak back into a club after being kicked out. The bouncer, or in this case, Google, won’t let you back in.

Also read: Best Google AdSense Forums

How Can I Get My AdSense Account Back?

Now that you know why your Google AdSense account might have been disabled, let’s talk about getting it back. First, read the email Google sent you. It will provide details on why your account was disabled and any actions you can take. Next, fix the issues. If it was fraudulent clicks, make sure it doesn’t happen again. If it was fake traffic, stop using those sources immediately. Once you’ve addressed the problem, you can appeal. Google provides a form for this. Be honest and detailed in your appeal. Explain the steps you’ve taken to fix the issues. Keep in mind that Google doesn’t always reinstate accounts. It might take a few tries or some time before you see any results.

What Alternatives Are There to AdSense?

If getting your Google AdSense account back proves difficult, there are alternatives. Here are some options:

1. is a popular alternative to Google AdSense. It’s powered by Yahoo and Bing, offering a robust ad network. They provide contextual ads, much like AdSense.

2. Ezoic

Ezoic is another great option. They use AI to optimize ad placements on your site, potentially increasing your revenue.

3. Amazon Native Shopping Ads

If you’re in the e-commerce space, Amazon Native Shopping Ads might be a good fit. They offer contextual ads that can blend seamlessly with your content.

4. PropellerAds

PropellerAds provides various ad formats, including push notifications and interstitial ads. They have a user-friendly platform and decent payouts.

Final Words

Dealing with a disabled Google AdSense account is a hassle. But understanding the reasons behind it can help you avoid future issues. Remember, fraudulent clicks, fake traffic, and previously banned accounts are common culprits. Always follow Google’s policies to keep your account in good standing. And if AdSense isn’t an option, there are plenty of alternatives out there. Stay patient, stay persistent, and you’ll find a solution that works for you.


1. Can I create a new AdSense account after being banned?

Creating a new AdSense account after being banned is risky. Google’s policies are strict, and they often detect and disable new accounts linked to previously banned ones.

2. How long does it take to get a response from Google AdSense support?

Response times can vary. Typically, you might hear back within a few days to a couple of weeks.

3. Can I appeal a Google AdSense account disablement?

Yes, you can appeal. Google provides a form for submitting an appeal. Be honest and detailed in your explanation.

4. What should I do if my appeal is denied?

If your appeal is denied, focus on alternative ad networks. There are many options that can provide similar revenue opportunities.

5. How can I prevent my Google AdSense account from being disabled?

Follow Google’s policies closely. Avoid fraudulent clicks, fake traffic, and ensure your site content adheres to their guidelines. By staying compliant, you can minimize the risk of your account being disabled.

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